Biozatix News – Informasi Popular Sains Teknologi dan Kedokteran Am J Dermatopathol. 2013 Jun;35(4):448-51. Sangoi AR, Cassarino DS. Abstract PAX8, a nephric cell lineage transcription factor initially characterized in renal cell carcinomas, is also well recognized as a marker of Müllerian
CK7, CK20, CDX2 and MUC2 Immunohistochemical staining used to distinguish metastatic colorectal carcinoma involving ovary from primary ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma.

Biozatix news – Informasi Popular Sains Teknologi dan Kedokteran Shin JH, Bae JH, Lee A, et al. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2010 Mar;40(3):208-13. Abstract OBJECTIVE: Colorectal adenocarcinoma, the most common tumor that metastasizes to the ovary, is often difficult to
CDH17 antibody
Biozatix News – Informasi Popular Sains Teknologi dan Kedokteran 1. Park SY, Kim HS, Hong EK, et al. Expression of cytokeratins 7 and 20 in primary carcinomas of the stomach and colorectum and their value in the differential diagnosis of
Uroplakin II outperforms uroplakin III in diagnostically challenging settings.
Histopathology. 2014 Jul;65(1):132-8. Smith SC1, Mohanty SK, Kunju LP, Chang E, Chung F, Carvalho JC, Paner GP, Hansel DE, Luthringer DJ, de Peralta-Ventrurina MN, Amin MB. Abstract AIMS: We performed a head-to-head comparison of an antibody against uroplakin III (UP3)
Diet calori rendah memperlambat penuaan

Biozatix News – Informasi Popular Sains Teknologi dan Kedokteran Pepatah ‘Anda adalah apa yang Anda makan’ telah ada selama bertahun-tahun. Sekarang, penelitian baru yang penting memberikan alasan lain untuk berhati-hati dengan kalori Anda. Ahli saraf di NYU Langone Medical Center
Utilization of p40 (ΔNp63) with p63 and Cytokeratin 5/6 Immunohistochemistry in Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy.
Biozatix News – Informasi Popular Sains Teknologi dan Kedokteran Collins BT, Wang JF, Bernadt CT. Abstract Objective: Specific subclassification of pulmonary non-small cell carcinoma (NSCCA) is clinically necessary, and the aim of this study is to examine the utilization of
Longer Screening Intervals Possible With HPV-Based Tests
Biozatix News – Informasi Popular Sains Teknologi dan Kedokteran Penelitian terbaru dari Institut Karolinska di Swedia menemukan bahwa tes skrining human papilloma virus (HPV) dapat dilakukan dengan jarak waktu yang lebih lama dibandingkan dengan tes bebasis sitologi. Dipublikasikan dalam jurnal
Highly specific and sensitive marker to aid in the differentiation of lung squamous cell carcinoma vs. lung adenocarcinoma
Biozatix News – Informasi Popular Sains Teknologi dan Kedokteran Diagnosing non-small cell lung cancer by morphology in small samples(e.g. biopsy, cell block, FNA) can be difficult. In these cases, given that conserving tissue for molecular testing is a priority, an effective immunohistochemistry
Apa yang unik dengan Gradient Denaturing Electrophoresis?
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PAX8 and PAX5 are differentially expressed in B-cell and T-cell lymphomas.
Biozatix News – Informasi Popular Sains Teknologi dan Kedokteran Histopathology. 2013 Feb;62(3):406-13. Morgan EA, Pozdnyakova O, Nascimento AF, Hirsch MS. Abstract AIMS: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the expression patterns of B-cell specific activator protein (BSAP)/PAX5 and PAX8